Why Are We Here?

by guest blogger Dave Foucar, the author of What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus? . . . a conversational approach to helping people answer questions about Jesus. Dave has a passion for teaching God’s word and has been a speaker at Family and Youth Camps, Couples Retreats, and Men’s Retreats.

Many people wander through life wondering, “What is the point?”, seeking the answer to our most basic question in life: “Why am I here?” For the believer, we have a purpose. We don’t have to wander or wonder looking for the reason we are here. God has made our reason, our purpose, plain to us.

Paul tells us in a very familiar passage, “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast” (Eph 2:8-9). Can there be a clearer message? Where our salvation is concerned, God has done the work. We have nothing to brag about because what we have contributes nothing to our salvation. Nothing we have done, or could ever do, can earn what God has given us freely because of His gracious love for us. We merely need to accept it.

However, our being saved by grace is not all Paul has to talk about. When Paul explains clearly to us that we are saved by grace because of our faith, he continues with a “why.” Paul writes, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Eph 2:10). God has something for us to do. A why. This is not a qualifier added to grace. We aren’t “required” to do more in order to be saved. The work of salvation is already done.

The why Paul talks about presents to us a choice to do what God created us to do. Do we live pursuing the purpose that God has created for us, or do we live ignoring it, going our own way? Not a requirement. Not a work. A choice to do what we are made to do. A purpose in this life. Meaning!

When we seek God, when we come to understand His love for us and accept His grace through faith in Jesus, we are saved. It doesn’t end there. God created us to do something: good works. We are His “handiwork.” Isn’t that a beautiful description? Lovingly made in a special way. Created with a purpose. With something to do. People wander through life wondering, “Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life?” We know the answer. The answer that applies to all of us and yet is specific to each of us. We can choose to do what we were created to do: good works.

I have a very good friend. We have been friends for years and years. My friend has an old car that I have often teased him about. It is obvious that my friend loves that car since he has owned it for decades. What is there to tease about that old car? Well, that car has been sitting in my friend’s driveway for years.

His car is one of those “someday” things that we all have. Someday I’ll fix it. Someday I’ll get around to it. Someday! I don’t fault my friend for his old car. I have lots of “someday” things too. Maybe, just maybe, when he gets around to fixing that car, it will be worth the wait. Here’s the thing though. That car wasn’t made to sit in the driveway! The rubber on its tires. The gears in its engine. The wires in its dashboard. They are all put together in a special way for a reason. To drive down the road. As long as that little car sits in the driveway it isn’t doing what it was made for. The very minute that car pulls out of the driveway and into the street, it begins to do what it was designed to do.

Like my friend’s old car, God created us for a reason. Paul tells us that that reason is to do good works. Now, we can simply bask in the sunshine of God’s grace. That’s not a bad thing, for sure. I’m all for basking in the sunshine. Much like vacationing in the Caribbean . . . which I hope to have the opportunity to do someday . . . basking in the sun refreshes us. We enjoy it, but most of us can’t afford to stay there and never go back to work. There are things for us to do. God wants us to bask in the refreshing glory of His grace, but unlike a vacation on the beach, we never leave it behind. We are always assured of His grace. However, there are still things for us to do.

God has created us to do good works. We need to be people doing good things. Helping others. Meeting needs. Sharing our faith and the gospel. In fact, every good work we do can be laced with the gospel when we do it in Jesus’ name. And every good work we do in Jesus’ name brings glory to God.

Doing good is what we are created for. It’s why we are here.

Dave Foucar has had a successful career as a financial professional, but his heart has always been in ministry. He has a passion for teaching God’s Word and has led Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and small groups of all ages. He has been a lead speaker and seminar leader at couples’ retreats, men’s retreats, and family and youth camps.

Dave’s first book, What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?, is a conversational approach to helping people answer questions about Jesus. The book provides a layman’s perspective on personal evangelism and the basics of the Christian faith. What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus? gives the average Christian tools to help share about Jesus while increasing confidence in their own faith.

Dave has been married for thirty-seven years to the love of his life, Debbie. They have three daughters, two sons-in-law, and three granddaughters. Their greatest joy comes from serving God and their family. Dave and Debbie live in Waxhaw, NC.

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